Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Review: Team Guinta Looks Strong

Team Guinta showed strength and momentum this weekend. We started in Exeter before the beginning of the American Independence Festival. Along with several volunteers, we made our way through town, knocking on doors and talking with more voters. The response was great, and many residents were eager to discuss why I’m running for Congress.

Next up was the American Independence Festival in downtown Exeter. Our team organized a station alongside the GOP tent, passing out pocket-sized US Constitutions to the crowd.

The final stop was in Brentwood for the Rockingham County Straw Poll. Here I met with hundreds of voters and gave a short speech before the polls closed. Despite the heat, there was a great turnout for the event. I was especially pleased to see NHGOP chair John Sununu at the event. His presence reinforced the solidarity of the Republican Party this election season.

When all votes were counted, Team Guinta was the victor with 36% of the vote! After buying only 10 tickets for some of my staff, I was heartened by the immense support from our grassroots network. Some campaigns relied heavily on buying a lot of the tickets to influence the outcome of the poll. My team and I have maintained a strong connection with our supporters and with this 4th consecutive poll victory, it shows. Thanks to all the volunteers, attendees, and our entire Team. Together, we can keep this winning streak through to November.