This is "Frank's Fifty." Each day we will propose a spending cut for the last fifty days of the campaign.

“Frank’s Fifty” Total Savings: $827 Billion
50. National Spending Cap. Saves $64 billion a year.
49. Eliminate funding for the Private Sector Technology Research. Saves $70 million a year.
48. Terminate funding to promote the sale of name-brand food products and alcoholic beverages. Saves $14.3 million a year.
47. Reform of Community Development Block Grant program, remove wealthy communities from donor list. Saves $340 million a year
46. Terminate the House of Representatives Wheels for Wellness Bike Sharing Program. Saves $22,000 a year.
45. Require federal employees to wait until age 62 to collect retirement benefits. Saves $267 million a year.
44. Require all federal employees to fly coach on taxpayer-funded commercial flights. Saves $146 million a year.
43. Rollback Department of Labor spending to 2009 levels. Saves $62.5 billion, allows department to re-prioritize spending
42. Study of galaxies formed two billion years after the Big Bang. Saves $314,964
41. Study of the atmosphere of Neptune. Saves $456,663
40. Study of weather patterns on other planets. Saves $298,543
39. Sports complex in Illinois local residents don’t want. Saves $18 million
38. Flat-screen televisions for the State Department. Saves $37,000
37. iPods for Utah high school students they get to keep just for graduating. Saves $1 million
36. Studying ants in East Africa & islands in the Indian Ocean. Saves $2 million
35. Effects of “inequality and unfairness” on monkeys. Saves $675,000
34. Effects of cocaine on monkeys. Saves $75,000
33. Kansas State House office, parking space. Saves $40 million
32. Return Omnibus spending to 2009 levels: Saves $50 billion
31. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting. DAY 31 SAVINGS: $422 million a year.
30. Eliminate the Department of Energy. DAY 30 SAVINGS: $28 billion a year.
29. Government inefficiencies. Saves $15 billion a year.
28. Privatize Amtrak. Saves more than a billion dollars a year.
27. Cut the corporate tax rate. Saves $18 billion a year.
26. Federal spending freeze – Saves $53 billion.
25. Ending all Congressional earmarks. Saves $10 billion a year.
24. Ending ethanol subsidies. Saves $16 billion a year in lower taxes and energy costs
23. Terminate the Conservation Reserve Program. Saves $2 billion
22. Jobless stimulus projects. DAY 22 SAVINGS: $147 billion.
21. Terminate the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998. DAY 21 SAVINGS: $8 billion a year.
20. Collect all unpaid income taxes from federal employees. DAY 20 SAVINGS: $1 billion.
19. Prohibit mandated Project Labor Agreements (PLA's). DAY 19 SAVINGS: $6 billion a year.
18. Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming. DAY 18 SAVINGS: $2 million
17. End Congressional pensions. DAY 17 SAVINGS: $22 million a year.
16. Taxpayer-funded vacant buildings. DAY 16 SAVINGS: $25 Billion a year.
15. Terminate the federal Department of Education. DAY 15 SAVINGS: $107 Billion.
14. IRS agents hired to implement Obamacare. DAY 14 SAVINGS: $1 billion a year.
13. Terminate the Non-Reformed Welfare Program. DAY 13 SAVINGS: $2.5 billion.
12. Turn over air traffic control operations to the private sector. DAY 12 SAVINGS: $10.3 billion.
11. REAL Reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. DAY 11 SAVINGS: $30 billion.
10. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration. SAVINGS: $389 million a year.
9. End taxpayer subsidies for Amtrak sleeper cars. Saves $120 million a year.
8. Unsponsored earmarks. Saves $7 billion a year.
7. Streamline the process for selling excess federal property. Saves $18 billion.
6. We currently pay for federal workers who charge 100% of their time for working as union reps. Saves $120 million a year.
5. The termination of American support of UNESCO. Saves $78.1 million a year.
4. The immediate suspension of new federal land purchases. Saves $266 million.
3. A freeze of federal employee pay for one year. Saves $2 billion
2. End "stimulus funding" to pay for road signs promoting the stimulus. Savings: $5 million
1. Defund and replace Obamacare. Saves $120 billion a year over the next ten years.