Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Frank Guinta is a Doer
Editor, The Citizen: With all the problems our country is facing, we really need a leader who will stand up to the special interests and increased spending requests. That's why I am supporting Frank Guinta for Congress this fall.
During his four years as mayor of Manchester, Frank submitted four balanced budgets that kept spending down and actually would have cut our property taxes. He cut annual borrowing by the city in half because taxpayers could not afford any more big ticket projects. He invested in our Police Department which resulted in declining violent crime rates. Simply put, Frank Guinta did more than speak — he actually accomplished something as an elected official.
With all the big spenders in Washington, electing someone like Guinta will be a first step in turning our country around. Join me in September and November as we elect Frank Guinta as our next congressman.
Shona Bowen
Monday, June 28, 2010
Frank Guinta Marches in Plaistow's Old Home Day Parade

This past weekend Frank Guinta attended the annual Old Home Day parade in Plaistow, NH. Hundreds of people lined the main street into town to watch the parade pass. Frank got to meet many voters, shaking upwards of 250 hands!
When asked about Frank, one of the younger voters said, “Some of the other politicians I met at the parade were looking over my head, trying to see who they would target next. Instead, it was clear that Mr. Guinta was engaged in our short talk and that he was talking to me, not through me.”
Frank was the only Congressional candidate for New Hampshire’s 1st District to attend the parade and among the different floats and marching bands, more than 20 members of Team Guinta came to march alongside. Overall the crowd loved the parade and Frank really enjoyed the march into town.

Guinta Praises Supreme Court Decision Upholding 2nd Amendment: Right to Personal Protection Extended to States and Cities
The ruling is seen as an extension of a previous Court decision that overturned the District of Columbia’s restrictive ban against handguns. The Court did not directly overturn the Chicago ban but did direct the federal appeals court to reconsider an earlier decision that upheld the ban.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
On the Three Month Anniversary of ObamaCare
Not only is this fundamentally not democratic, but it is also costly for the average American taxpayer. The bill comes at a trillion dollar cost to the American people, and could end up tacking on $1.5 trillion to our national debt. As a result, we can expect to see small businesses and individuals suffer in the face of the increased taxes and fines needed to offset the enormous cost of this bill. With less capital to work with, business owners will be forced to make more layoffs and add to our country’s already high unemployment rate of 9.7%. This is not the action of a good government.
When elected, I will support any bill that repeals and replaces this takeover. There is no doubt that health care needs reform, but this is not the way to do it. I believe there are other solutions that stay true to our American values. Our country needs common sense actions and free market solutions like tort reform and the removal of state-to-state boundaries that restrict health plans. Changes like these will more effectively make health care more affordable and accessible without spending away our children’s future.
I have pledged these types of changes in the People’s Fiscal Responsibility & Reform Pact. ( At that website I propose several reforms our government needs, including the immediate repeal of ObamaCare. There you will also find that I am looking for your feedback in adding five more sensible reforms to the act. Together, we can repeal the health care bill and set our country back on the right track.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Former NH Senator Lovejoy Endorses Frank Guinta
Full text below:
Responsible Voice for Granite State
To the editor: After spending a great deal of time in New Hampshire politics, always on the side of the taxpayers, today I see that they are in the greatest peril of my lifetime. This peril is precipitated by the excessive taxing and spending of the Democrats who have taken control of our government on both the national and state level.
Carol-Shea Porter, who votes in lock step with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has lent her voice and our vote to every big spending issue that has faced the Congress. Currently she holds New Hampshire's Congressional 1st District seat. Her votes have helped put America in debt by one trillion dollars in the past year alone and taxed future generations $13 to $14 trillion. She has voted to give up our liberties and to put business under federal control.
She must be voted out of office if New Hampshire is to be once again looked to as the voice of growth and frugality. We as a nation must reduce our budget deficit and spending, and we must cut taxes for individuals and small business.
Looking at the field of candidates for Congress in NH's 1st District, the Democrats have just one, Carol Shea-Porter, who promises more of the same if re-elected. The Republicans have several candidates competing for that same office. While any one of them would better represent New Hampshire than Congresswoman Shea-Porter, there is one who stands out in this group of candidates. That is why I am supporting Frank Guinta in his quest to go to Congress.
Former two-term Mayor of Manchester Frank Guinta has a history of cutting taxes and reducing violent crime. He has been a reliable defender of the taxpayers and has stayed close to the people. In addition he had the courage to take on the Shea-Porter voting record long before any others got into the race. Having served in local government as an Alderman and in state government as a Representative to the General Court, Frank Guinta has the experience that others lack. He was still able to cut taxes despite serving as a Republican mayor and working with a Democrat majority.
Frank Guinta has been a true conservative on both fiscal and social issues and has proved himself to be reliable.
I believe that a vote for Frank Guinta on Sept. 14 is an early vote against Shea-Porter and Nancy Pelosi come November.
George Lovejoy
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Team Guinta Campaign Update

Things at the Team Guinta headquarters are speeding along as we move towards the primary. We have more than 3,100 fans on our Facebook page! Thank you to all who have “liked.” We also have received a great deal of support from our leadership team across New Hampshire’s 1st District. We now have over 700 county co-chairs.
On a different note, even more Team Guinta signs and stickers have come in and we are happy to see our supporters proudly displaying them across the District. Thanks to all who have gotten involved, we truly appreciate the support.
If you would like to know more about me, or help with the campaign, feel free to visit the Team Guinta homepage. Also, be sure to see our Facebook and Twitter pages for more information.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Guinta Meets with Derry Businessmen and Women
Monday morning I sat down with a number of local businessmen and women in Derry, NH. We met over coffee at T-Bone’s Restaurant. While there were some individual concerns, an overarching theme was that not enough was being done to help improve New Hampshire’s economy and its small businesses. Listening to some of their problems reinforced what I had gathered from my last business roundtable in Laconia, and my recent tour of Exeter.
Once again, the owners cited cash flow as a major issue. This reminded me of comments made by the owner Arjay’s Ace Hardware in Exeter who said, “Flat is the new good.” Everyone at the table seemed to agree that one of their foremost concerns was maintaining their customer base and seeing that their revenue returned to healthy operating levels. What can we do to help this?
A major theme that arose from this discussion was different ways to foster New Hampshire’s local economy using a number of different strategies. One thought was to alleviate those tax burdens that make starting a business difficult, and to then use business incubating measures as a way to ensure that these start-ups can do their best to succeed. Another proposal was to promote public transportation in order to help facilitate commuters and allow more people to work in NH’s strong commercial centers. Everyone was concerned that new healthcare taxes would also threaten their ability to stay in operation. I want to ease these fears and promote economic growth.
This was something that I pursued adamantly as Mayor of Manchester. In order to help our local economy I lowered taxes and instituted a spending cap. I also fought hard for projects like the Elliot at River’s Edge, the largest development in New Hampshire since the Mall of New Hampshire opened in 1977. This new development has created jobs and helped spur growth in surrounding locations. Encouraging private growth creates private sector jobs which add money back into the economy helping everyone. And it didn’t take government stimulus or tax dollars to accomplish.
One story in particular sheds light on the burden small businesses face in their infancy. One of the owners in attendance had started his business five years ago and had just opened a new location in Manchester on Monday morning. However, he remains pessimistic that payroll taxes and new government regulations make starting his new branch even more difficult. I want to restore faith in New Hampshire’s economy and the American dream, and want to work to bring some security to the entrepreneurs who fuel our commercial centers.
This was another productive gathering. Not only was I able meet more of the people I want to represent, but I also continued to learn firsthand what New Hampshire residents need. I am running for Congress to make sure that you the voter is represented to the fullest.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Frank Guinta's Constitutionality Test

Mr. Guinta said in a recent speech, “All of the things that the liberal left thinks is good for us will be gone, this November. You know what gets to replace it? This book.... This is what I walk around with, this is what I will hold on the floor of the house to make sure that every piece of legislation I vote on, adheres to this basic principle.”
That book in his hand is the U.S. Constitution. Frank Guinta is so adamant about this point that the first bill he has promised to endorse when elected, “The People’s Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Pact,” includes applying a Constitutionality Test to all legislation brought through Congress.
Tell Frank what other points you would like to see addressed at
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Guinta Continues District-wide Tour
My first stop was at the Trackside Cafe, where I met with owner Ron Cross. Mr. Cross' primary concern was the LLC Tax. However he also mentioned that he felt the country was being run in an ad hoc manner that those in power are simply throwing ideas at the wall hoping that something sticks! He went on to say that there are simply too many regulations and taxes in our state, and that it seemed like the state government was doing whatever it could to raise taxes on small businesses. One of my major beliefs is that representatives should be judged by the legislation they repeal, not just what they enact. This struck a chord with Cross and his desire to keep his business successful.
The next stop on the tour was Arjay's Ace Hardware, where I met with Rusty Simmons. At Arjay's they are trying to find more ways to engage their customers in order to keep them coming back. For example Rusty encourages employees to go out of their way to help customers. Mr. Simmons pointed out a disappointing but important truth about today's economy: "Flat is the new good," referring to his business' revenue. This was difficult for me to hear. I want to help make New Hampshire flourish by promoting business friendly initiatives. It is clear to me that not only is our Congresswoman not doing enough to allow small businesses to succeed she is actively harming them through oppressive taxation and outrageous spending. Every dollar collected and spent by the government removes choice from the individual and as a result limits freedom. This is what I had in mind when I laid out "The People's Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Pact," which are the core principles I want to enact if elected. The legislation that I want to pass aims to help small businesses, eliminating a lot of unnecessary regulations placed on small business owners, and encouraging free market solutions for economic problems. These first two stops on the tour showed just how vital this pact is for improved state commerce.
At the Exeter Hospital, a major topic of discussion was the recent healthcare bill where administrators expressed similar concerns. With the new regulations set out by Obamacare, hospital administrators see little hope for continuing to provide excellent and expedient care for patients. I told them that I want to repeal and replace nationalized healthcare because although I believe the healthcare system can be improved, I don’t believe government run healthcare is the answer.
Another small business owner and former state senator, Russell Prescott, shed a lot of light on our Country's economic problems. Russell’s family has passionately run a small family business in Exeter for 50 years, and has 30 employees whose life stories he reads as if they were his own, because essentially they are. Like Mr. Cross, he too is concerned about the LLC tax. After all these years establishing his family business in Exeter and building lifelong relationship with customers and employees alike, he is now worried about keeping this business running and keeping his employees gainfully employed. These stories resonated for me because more than anything, they show the shared concern that the American dream is disappearing. It's hard to see someone work their entire lives to create something, and to now not have the security to continue to strive for success. When elected, I hope to restore faith in our economy, and allow small businesses to continue to pursue the dream of success upon which our Country was founded.
It is clear to me that after making these stops that Carol Shea-Porter is simply not listening to her constituents. Not only is she unconcerned with her constituents wants and needs, she brags about voting with both Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi over 90% of the time. We need leadership that represents New Hampshire instead of Washington.
Through this tour and others like it, I will continue to seek out as much of your input as possible. As I have said it truly is "Your Voice, Your Vote, Your House." I encourage you all to log onto There you will find "The People's Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Pact." There are ten reforms which I have already included in the pact, but there are also 10 other reforms, five of which will be chosen based on your feedback. I am running for congress to represent the voices of the 1st district of New Hampshire because people in Washington, including our own congresswoman, are not hearing you.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
More Propaganda from Carol Shea-Porter, Paid for by YOU the Taxpayer
In the mail this past week you probably received a taxpayer funded pamphlet as you were flipping through your daily mail. These were the pamphlets that Carol Shea-Porter sent entitled, “Congressional Update” describing her plan for economic reform and her recent efforts to improve the economy. A large, unconventionally sized pamphlet is also more than likely to cost more than a flyer you may get for a Wal-Mart or Macy’s “One Day Only!” sale. On the front of the Shea-Porter flyer are her ideas and efforts- on the back, in small black font it reads, “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense.”
Clearly this was not an “update,” it was Carol Shea-Porter campaigning with our tax dollars. These flyers were mailed not only to each household, but to individual voters, creating a great waste of taxpayer money and paper. There is a thin line between maintaining a rapport with one’s constituents and electioneering. These pamphlets violate the idea of a “Congressional Update,” and show an abuse of a representative’s franking privileges. This is not the first time either, that Carol Shea-Porter has been singled out in the past as well for exploiting tax dollars for personal gain. Instead of keeping the public informed on the issues, she is using the “update” to propagate her own campaign. Hasn’t she spent enough of our money?
That being said, since the pamphlet is supposed to be a, “Congressional Update” does there really need to be more than one per household? There must be a more efficient, and most importantly, less costly way to distribute these papers. Many of her points in the pamphlet include keeping taxpayers from “paying the price” for acts such as bailouts. In this case, because of her elaborate, expensive design and excessive distribution, the taxpayers did pay the price. How is this supposed to help our deficit? What’s more, we paid the price for what was clearly Carol Shea-Porter propaganda. Simply put, whether we like it or not, we have already started to fund the Shea-Porter campaign!
I am running to eliminate waste and reel in unnecessary spending- unlike Carol Shea-Porter. This is a small example of how reduction in expenditures begins. While this a small issue relative to the federal deficit, only I will take that approach to all government spending in order to reduce our problem. As I have said before, all federal agency spending money must be audited to ensure that we are being fiscally responsible. This small, simple pamphlet change is a perfect example of a common sense adjustment to spending levels that I would strive to enact in Congress.