Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Shea-Porter Abandons New Hampshire Taxpayers
Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta chastised Carol Shea-Porter for casting the deciding vote that paves the way to raise taxes on New Hampshire families. Shea-Porter voted in favor of motion for Congress to adjourn until after the November elections. The motion passed by a single vote, 210-209. The motion came without the House voting on extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for everyone. Allowing these tax cuts to expire at the end of the year will raise taxes on the average New Hampshire family by $1,698. The motion to adjourn came after it became clear that there was sufficient support in the House to pass a tax cut extension for all.
“Carol Shea-Porter has abandoned New Hampshire taxpayers, and cast the deciding vote that will lead to higher taxes for New Hampshire families,” said Guinta campaign spokesman Brett Bosse. “The Congresswoman has shown she cares more about defending her mentor Nancy Pelosi’s radical liberal agenda than with standing up for New Hampshire taxpayers.”
This is not the first case in which Carol Shea-Porter has been the only thing standing in the way of taxpayer relief. In 2008, Shea-Porter once again was the deciding vote on a motion to adjourn, this time without the House taking up a vote on a measure that would lower gas prices. At the time, gas prices were well over $4.00 per gallon nationwide.
“It’s bad enough that Carol Shea-Porter has voted with her mentor Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time, but now we see once again that she’s too afraid to do her job,” Bosse continued. “The Congresswoman once again has put blind partisan loyalty ahead of her constituents, and was the deciding vote that will lead to higher taxes for every American family.”
Guinta Statement on Preserving Social Security
"Carol Shea-Porter continues to deny there is a problem with Social Security. Social Security is projected to run a deficit in 2015 because of the partisan, big-spending agenda championed by Carol Shea-Porter and Nancy Pelosi. They have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on frivolous spending, and trillions on the failed stimulus package and Obamacare takeover. And for too long both parties have raided the Social Security Trust Fund, which is due to become bankrupt by 2037.
The only way to ensure Social Security's future is to cut federal spending, so we can maintain the commitments we've made to our nation's seniors. I believe we need a solution to preserve Social Security which does not privatize the system, does not raise taxes, and does not cut existing benefits. If Carol Shea-Porter is so concerned about our seniors, why did she vote for ObamaCare which cuts half a trillion dollars in Medicare benefits for seniors?"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Will Shea-Porter Raise Taxes on NH Families by $1,698?
“Carol Shea-Porter has a very easy decision to make in the next two days, will she raise taxes on New Hampshire families by $1,698?” asked Guinta campaign spokesman Brett Bosse. “Carol Shea-Porter needs to show some leadership and ask her mentor Nancy Pelosi to vote immediately on cutting taxes for all Americans.”
Just last week, Shea-Porter signed on to a letter with more than thirty of her far-left colleagues. The letter desperately begged Speaker Pelosi to not hold a vote on the tax cut extension. This stands in stark contrast with dozens of members of Shea-Porter’s own party, who have called for the tax cuts be extended for everyone. It also contrasts with her own party’s history. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy pushed through an across-the-board tax cut, a move which helped the country get out of a recession.
“Carol Shea-Porter has voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time, but this is an opportunity to finally take a stand against her radical liberal agenda,” Bosse continued. “Will Carol Shea-Porter stand with her mentor Nancy Pelosi, or will she for once stand up for New Hampshire taxpayers?”
Monday, September 13, 2010
Guinta Prepared for Victory Tuesday Night
Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta has concluded the campaign stage of the race for the GOP Primary nomination, and the chance to challenge Carol Shea-Porter in November. Guinta has run an aggressive, grassroots, issues-based campaign that has seen him traverse the First Congressional District more than a dozen times over. Guinta’s campaign has earned him accolades from conservative Republicans, independents, and members of the media. Here are some of the highlights from the Guinta campaign.
- Editorial endorsements from Foster’s Daily Democrat and the Concord Monitor
- Endorsements from conservative groups like the Family Research Council, and pro-family conservatives all over the district
- 9 in-person Town Hall forums, far and away the most of any candidate in the race
- The People’s Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Pact, a 15-point pledge to the people of New Hampshire on what Guinta will push for in his first 100 days in office
- 10-point Job Growth and Economic Development Plan, including cutting taxes on individuals and small businesses, defunding Obamacare and working towards its full repeal, and preventing a National Energy Tax
- “Frank’s Fifty” spending cut initiative. 50 specific cuts to the federal budget, totaling more than $827 Billion in savings that can be applied to the federal deficit
Guinta offered the following statement to sum up his primary campaign:
“I’m proud of the race we’ve run over the last year and a half, and humbled by all the hard work everyone has put into it. The grassroots support we’ve gained has been overwhelming. I appreciate all the support we’ve received, and am confident it will result in victory on Tuesday night.”
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Guinta Puts a Cap on “Frank’s Fifty”

Frank Guinta concluded his successful “Frank’s Fifty” spending cut initiative by calling for a national Spending Cap. A Spending Cap would prevent the government from increasing spending beyond the rate of inflation. As Mayor of Manchester, Guinta helped implement a Spending Cap in the city. Guinta battled the Board of Aldermen for two years to put a Spending Cap on the city ballot, finally succeeding in 2009. Manchester voters responded approvingly, passing a Spending Cap by a nine-point margin. A federal Spending Cap would save taxpayers an estimated $64 billion a year.
“Helping to get a Spending Cap passed in Manchester was one of my proudest accomplishments as Mayor. It was conservative, and it worked,” said Guinta. “I want to show the same commitment in Washington in getting a Spending Cap passed as I did in Manchester.”
Frank Guinta has shown an unmatched commitment to cutting federal spending, and saving taxpayers money. “Frank’s Fifty” proposed more than $827 billion in budget cuts. That accounts for more than half the federal deficit, and more than 20% of the total budget. Guinta has shined a light on waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government, targeting programs that are unnecessary, duplicative, or frivolous.
“I’m proud of the commitment I’ve made in this campaign to cut spending, save taxpayers money, and return fiscal responsibility to Washington,” Guinta continued. “I’m worried about the people who sign the back of the paycheck. Those of the people I’ll represent in Congress.”
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Guinta’s Conservative Message Stands Alone
Only tested conservative clear winner of WMUR/Union Leader Granite State Debate
Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta was the clear winner of tonight’s WMUR/Union Leader Granite State Debate, held at Saint Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics. Guinta’s conservative message stood alone, as he shared with New Hampshire voters his vision for the future. Guinta talked about the tested conservative leadership he will bring to Washington.
“It’s important that we nominate someone next Tuesday who is a tested conservative to go up against Carol Shea-Porter,” said Guinta. “We need someone with a proven record of cutting borrowing, cutting taxes, and implementing a Spending Cap. I’ve done these things in Manchester. It was conservative, and it worked. I’ll do the same in Washington.”
Guinta highlighted where he stood out from his colleagues in coming up with common-sense solutions to America’s challenges. Guinta has proposed a 10-point Jobs Plan, 15-point Fiscal Reform and Responsibility Pact, and his highly-successful “Frank’s Fifty” spending cut initiative. Thus far, Guinta has proposed nearly $750 billion in specific spending cuts.
“New Hampshire voters know exactly where I will do on Day One, because I’ve given them specifics throughout my campaign,” Guinta continued. “I’m worried about the people who sign the back of the paycheck. Those are the people I’ll represent in Congress.”
Foster's Details Frank Guinta's Visit to Turbocom International

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Fervent, Varied Support for Guinta
“Before becoming mayor, Guinta was a successful businessman. That, in combination with his time as mayor, gives him a combination of experience not offered by anyone else in the primary race” said HBRANH president Merritt Peasley.
The importance of Mr. Guinta’s experience was echoed in the endorsement from Foster’s. “Guinta is tried and true, not tired and worn — not a retread from a political time gone by. Candidates like Guinta don't come along very often. He is a candidate voters should not let slip through their grasp.”
This past week, Team Guinta was touched by another outpouring of support from the people of New Hampshire. Kenneth J. Rahilly, Doris Gates, and Ann-Marie McKenna were among just a few of those who wrote to their local papers in support of Frank.
In Ms. Gates’ piece, she also stressed the importance of experience in a candidate, “Actions speak far louder than words, and that's why I'm voting Frank Guinta for U.S. Congress. Frank is the only candidate who can say that they have fought for taxpayers and been effective in changing the debate; promoting conservative values, fighting for taxpayers and enacting meaningful reforms.”
Ann-Marie McKenna gets at the core of what this race is about in her letter: restoring conservative New Hampshire values and uniting the party without political attacks. She writes, “Negative advertising and mudslinging (by some of [Frank’s] opponents) turn me off. I seek substance and conviction. That is why I support Guinta to win the nomination and then to unify Republicans with disenchanted independents and Democrats to retire Shea-Porter in November.”
Ms. McKenna’s point is well received. The people of New Hampshire are calling for the leader most equipped to achieve the goal of a Red State. Frank Guinta’s experience in commerce as well as governing, his solid conservative principles, and his ability to lead, are a winning combination in November. Team Guinta is ever grateful for all of the support.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Frank Guinta Endorsed by Foster's, Concord Monitor

Candidates like Guinta don’t come along very often. He is a candidate voters should not let slip through their grasp.
Guinta is tried and true, not tired and worn — not a retread from a political time gone by.
His personality is simple and straight forward. Yet his suggestions for solving the problems Washington has created show a depth of understanding that comes from a seasoned leader.
What this means to voters is that Guinta’s training wheels are off and that he will be able to work with Washington as needed and stand firm when it is in the best interests of Granite Staters.
Concord Monitor:
Guinta’s positions align with those of his party, as do those of most of his rivals. He opposed the federal stimulus program and would pursue tax cuts in Congress to stimulate the economy and create jobs. He believes the health care reform effort was a mistake. We disagree with all those positions but believe Guinta would be an effective advocate for his ideas and an open-minded legislator.
Guinta released the following statement after learning of his multiple endorsements:
“I’m humbled and honored to receive the endorsements of both Foster’s Daily Democrat and the Concord Monitor. They recognize that I am the only tested conservative in the race to take on Carol Shea-Porter in November. This is a testament to all the grassroots support our campaign has received since we began sharing our conservative message with voters last year. We will continue to work tirelessly to earn the ultimate endorsement, the one from New Hampshire voters on Election Day.”
For more information about Frank Guinta’s campaign, visit