Monday, June 28, 2010

Guinta Praises Supreme Court Decision Upholding 2nd Amendment: Right to Personal Protection Extended to States and Cities

Manchester – After learning of this morning’s United States Supreme Court ruling which limited the abilities of states and cities to enact firearm bans, congressional candidate Frank Guinta (NH-1) issued the following statement: “Today our Supreme Court ruled in favor of the right of citizens to protect their persons and properties and against attempts by certain states and cities to subvert the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. As a strict constructionist of the Constitution, I welcome this decision which weakens the abilities of local governments like the City of Chicago to take firearms away from law abiding citizens. Americans should be thankful that during a time when our President and Congressional leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Carol Shea-Porter are trying to take away many of our constitutional rights, at least our Supreme Court is trying to restore the rights of the people.”
The ruling is seen as an extension of a previous Court decision that overturned the District of Columbia’s restrictive ban against handguns. The Court did not directly overturn the Chicago ban but did direct the federal appeals court to reconsider an earlier decision that upheld the ban.